Thursday, July 30, 2009

Trikke Pon-e Makes Time Magazine

On the stands Friday but online now, Time Magazine has a piece on the new Trikke Pon-e. Perhaps not the best title of "tricycles for adults," or referring to Trikkes as "odd looking tricycles," but as they say, "good press...." Perhaps it won't help the image of the Pon-e and might suggest it is a toy. I don't think it is. I think the pon-e is a great way to combine assisted distance commuting with the outdoor activity of trikking.

Now, many don't believe that the pon-e facilitates trikking. As a tribred owner and a trainer who has installed many e-kits on different trikke models, I have to disagree. Just as the traditional trikke ride is really about the stamina, power, skill, and speed of the rider--what you put in is what you get out---so it is with the tribred and pon-e. You don't have to ride it standing straight up without carving. Carving while riding is the best way to work on your fitness through the pon-e!

You also have to remember that everyone doesn't start out physically able to shred--nor do some want to. The tribred has always been a great option in my mind for those who want the best of both worlds. Those who are recovering from injuries. Or, those just needing a little assist once in a while. Nothing wrong with that! I personally love going on a traditional ride through my neighborhood and then drying the sweat off with a tribred blast!

Check out the video above of a rider in San Francisco. One could ride, lightly carving as they do-- or shred. It's still trikking in the end!

E-Kits installed and pon-e purchases all available at Capital Trikke!

Great national exposure to the green generation, Trikke and Sam Jayme

1 comment:

douguss amonguss brohummus said...

I am the one who shot the video and my wife is the gal behind me. We rented the two pon-es from Golden Gate Trikke for a group ride during the Sunday Streets event in San Francisco. We had been on two previous group rides in San Francisco on our T-8s and wanted to try the pon-e experience. I wanted to be able to keep up with the lighter, faster riders so I could video them and we weren't sure how we would do on the hills.

Since it was our first time riding the pon-e we didn't realize how much we could carve when riding and I wanted to stand as upright as possible for the video. We had a great time and rode for close to 3 hours and had a blast. At one point we were separated from the group and rode the whole route of 3 miles out and back looking for them. On our T-8s we might have just waited for them to show up.

The Pon-e is great for plus size folks like up to enjoy a group ride where there are T-12 and lighter T-8 riders who can ride really fast. I like to ride fast but in a situation like San Francisco I like to enjoy the street view without cars.

There are more videos on youtube under my username bananabelt555 showing both group rides and pon-e.

In watching the video again I noticed that I spelled Trikke incorrectly on the title page, dang. I am embarrassed.

Seize the carve!