Friday, September 4, 2009

The Super Portable Trikke Makes a Ride to the Gym a Vital Add to Fitness Goals

If you’re one of the more fortunate Trikke riders who are able to Trikke in ideal weather year round, many people envy you! Trikking is an outdoor sport and by default, many must roll with the punches of the weather. We at Capital Trikke know that when months of bad weather loom on the horizon it’s important for Trikkers to remember that they must find ways to stay in shape all year round. It’s better for your overall health, and it’s important to stay in top shape so that when the warmer days return, you haven’t lost your Trikke strength.

Try to find indoor activities that keep your body fine tuned. Try basketball, volleyball, or Yoga. There are also many home workout programs. I’ve worked with P90x and Body for Life. Sometimes though, you just might need to get into the gym. I admit I’ve hated the gym in the past. I could never stay on a workout program and the structure is exactly the opposite of the freedom that the Trikke offers me. Yet, I’ve found myself repeatedly feeling weaker when long bouts of rain or cooler air push though and I can’t ride. I’ve also come to see that for my body and the style of trikking I desire, I must work on strengthening off the Trikke to be able to handle longer and more incline rich rides. So …,I know …I know…off to the gym I go!

Prepare for the fall and enjoy this video we put together. Often we’ll take the Trikke T12 or the Trikke T78 Deluxe out for a ride in the neighborhood and then Trikke to the gym for an extended workout. On cooler days that little time on the Trikke will be so important, but it also leads to fitness in the form of gym based activities. Don’t give up!