Friday, October 17, 2008

Keep Trikking Through Fall!

The days of the year are passing so quickly. If you haven't already noticed, the days are getting shorter so week day Trikke rides are getting harder to manage for the 9-5 crowd. It's difficult for our meet up group to plan afternoon rides during the week because it's very challenging for people to get home and back out to a ride before dark. So, for the fall/winter we will be focusing almost exclusively on weekend rides. Each Saturday and Sunday we possibly can we will be out there, so check our calender for dates.

We also have some pretty big announcements coming to keep you inspired and connected-- so stay tuned!

No dust on the Trikkes people! Remember your fitness commitment is constant and because it's getting cooler we often forget the great outdoors for winter hibernation--even in relatively warm NC!

Keep moving! Try to fit a short neighborhood ride in before dinner a couple of days a week. Your body will appreciate the stress release from the day and it will keep you fit and ready to Trikke on the weekends with us!

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