Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Cap City Trikkers Millennium Riders 2009

                                  Happy New Year Everyone!
We've added a new twist to our trikke riding by creating the Cap City Trikkers Millennium Riders. Start out averaging 5- 10 or 20 miles a week on your Trikke. You'll get stronger and you'll ride longer. Join us on the discussion forum and keep track of your riding miles. Create your own journal in the forum. Check it out now and see an example that's started. Share your riding experiences with others. Before you know it the miles will start adding up and you'll be surprised at how many you've Trikked by years end. If you want to get started at any point, just join our free group on Facebook and or just go straight to the discussion forum to start your online journal. Good luck!

Monday, December 29, 2008

Trikke vs. Psych Day 1

The life of a Trikke rider..... Today is day one of a minimum five days I plan to cleanse. I am using the traditional lemon detox method: laxative tea each evening, salt water flush in the morning, 8-8oz drinks made of real lemon juice, cayenne pepper and organic maple syrup. Plenty of water. This can be very taxing on the body. No, I'm not doing it for weight loss. Trikke handles that nicely. I'm detoxing and meditating this week. Re-setting my body and my psyche. This is the main challenge of a cleanse--can you shutter your mind away from counter productive cravings both emotionally and spiritually? Can your mind keep the body strong? Can the body keep the mind strong?

At any rate, I have heard that it's difficult to workout during cleanses. I've done this cleanse before but have always shut activities down during. This time I decided to Trikke "minimally" because I can't stay away nor do I wish to go a week or so without Trikking. There is a meditative quality to trikking. You become one with it. Your body must be in accord in order to harness the momentum that takes you into rhythmic carving. I can't see denying myself the peace it brings me, especially during this time.

I planned to Trikke 5 miles at my neighborhood half mile loop. Being this is day one I figured I should take it "easy," but I also wanted to test my body. I actually was very mentally tired at 4.5 miles but Destiny's Child "Survivor" came over my headphones and I was able to push and rev it up past the 5 and on through the 6th mile when "Sexy Back" came on. I feel fine. What I really want is to Trikke 14 miles on New Years. I hope my body and mind stay strong for that. We'll see!--Spencer Hope

Trikke Goals for 2009!

Lisa Hoolihan,  a California Facebook friend of Capital Trikke , recently disclosed the fantastic ending of her Trikke year.  She was hitting the trails and was 33 miles away from reaching her goal of 1000 trikke miles in 2008! This certainly made us think about what kind of trikke goals would be ideal for us at Capital Trikke and how we might inspire even more goals in our Cap City Trikkers members. If you could conceptualize it, how many miles would you ride in 2009? Just 5 miles a week is 260 miles a year. 10 is over 500 miles , and 20 is a tad over 1000 miles a year! Set your goals and let us know how you're doing on our discussion forum.


Sunday, December 14, 2008

Come Ride with the Cap City Trikkers!

Remember that we ride every weekend, weather permitting. We are a private group and membership is required, but membership is free! Sign up here to get all the benefits of this great community of Trikke Riders:

Membership has its privileges!

Access to a local "members only" discussion forum
Monthly Newsletter
Upcoming ride notification and rsvp capabilities
Coupons for lessons  (we have them every Saturday!) with Trikke Certified Trainers, specials on Trikke accessories, and Capital Trikke T-shirt offers
Regular riding tips

Check out our ride calendar here
For more info check our site at  The site is bursting with great stuff!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Level 2+ Ride-- Oak Park-Crabtree-Ironwood Trails Raleigh NC

Crabtree Valley Trail

Ironwood Trail

Trail(s): Crabtree -Oak Park Trail 1.43 Mile
Crabtree Valley Trail 1.66 Mile
Ironwood Trail 1.72 Mile

Total Distance: 4.81 each way/ 9.62 round trip

Not my favorite trail group because of the too often messy nature and pedestrian challenges. As much as I enjoy street riding, if I ride a greenway I like to enjoy the scenery and ride my Trikke comfortably without this, even if the trail is a level 2 or 3. Still, this route remains a popular Trikke trail for many and is ultimately a greenway trail. This route connects 3 Raleigh greenway trails and empties out into the Shelley Lake park, so you can try each or chunk them together for a long ride. To do them all is a 9-10 mile roundtrip Trikke.

Start the Oak Park Trail by parking at the designated Greenway entrance at Oak Park Rd and Lindsay Dr. This is a fairly level trail with a few sharp inclines as you approach bridges. What used to be wood covered bridges are mostly now cement. This makes crossing them much easier. This trail can be quite messy in spots with lots of broken branches and other terrain troubles. You'll go past the corporate offices of Golden Corral and head towards Crabtree Mall. There has been a lot of construction in this particular area with the defunct Solis project, so be aware of concrete rocks and construction leftovers. The trail has some broken up areas here as well so be careful! Trikke Hike(walk) under Creedmore Rd and resume your ride behind the mall on the flat greenway. This ends Oak Park trail so if you need to turn around do so here and complete your 3 mile round trip back to the beginning.

The Crabtree Valley Trail is a bit enigmatic. It begins behind the mall and covers a nice flat ride to the McDonalds at Blue Ridge. At this point it dips down under Glenwood Ave. Be very careful and aware of your surroundings here! The underpass is a bit unsavory. While bikes and Trikkes transverse the area, due to it's proximity to the Mall and residential areas, there can be quite a bit of pedestrian traffic using the trail for transportation. Heads up because there have been incidences here. The trail has a great deal of wide concrete sidewalk as well in this portion which can be uncomfortable for greenway riders. Once through here, the trail is a bit uneven, broken and even clunky. Mostly flat with a few steep inclines. Continue this for 1.66 miles

Ironwood Trail is better, flatter and more classically Greenway as you leave the traffic behind you. Wooded and winding. It's a great trail experience and is a good point to "let it out" and push your Trikke speed. Mostly clean trail but be aware! The Ironwood Trail leads you up North Raleigh to Shelley Lake...but that's another story..... Turn around and do the distance back down for the full 9-10

Overall this trail is a good work-up to differing terrains like you will see on streets and sidewalks while having the general climate and comfort of a greenway trail. If you like smooth paths, no matter what the level, you'll probably want to pass on it.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Living, Loving, and Talking Trikkes!- Discussion Forum

The new Capital Trikke discussion forum is up and running and waiting for your input! This is a major way of building a strong local community of informed and connected Trikkers. Just go to the site at and click on "discussion board." You can register in order to post, or just act as a guest and see what's up in our community.