Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The "Right" Trikker Personality

Mark Codispoti, a fellow trikke trainer and enthusiast brought the NC leg of his 50 State tour to Raleigh on August 8. We had never met Mark, but we were certainly amazed by the task that he was setting out to accomplish. He plans to ride a minimum Trikkathon of 26 miles in 50 states plus DC. By just spending moments with him at dinner the night before the ride, we discovered a gentle, life enthusiastic soul, with a pure love of trikking. What a wonderful guy Mark is! The day of the ride we were so impressed with his skill, his heart, and his drive, that afterwards it seemed sad to see him go. Enjoy the video of Mark's mad skills and if you live in one of the areas that his tour swings through, be sure and come out and ride with him!

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