Thursday, August 20, 2009

Trikke Riding Downhill "Crazy Train" Style

Well alrighty now! I promised Dave that I would post this incredible ride to the blog. Let me just say right off--I would never do this, got chills watching it, and consider him well...'trikkin crazy!

That said with all Trikke love, you gotta give it to him for sheer chutzpah. WOW! To make it all the way without "chickening" out is amazing. Especially at the speed he was going. 40 mph? My video would have had a big yell of "CUT" after that first curve where he almost eats the grass on the side of the road.

Big shout out to my beautiful home state of NC where this was filmed (Beech Mtn), and oh Dave--- how did you ever get that whole song posted to YouTube without getting it yanked? ;)

Find Dave on TrikkeTalk as....Dave


douguss amonguss brhummus said...

That is rockin'. I don't think I could do that but Dave is all over it!! Rock on, Dave!

Anonymous said...

and how fast was your heart racing as you were going down that? great to watch but hard to commit to, that was intense.