Thursday, April 2, 2009

Time to Get on a Trikke and Get Fit!

I'm posting this on April 2 so you know it's no joke! Do you want to get in the best shape of your life, lose weight, tone up, and most incredibly have fun doing it? Everybody that has had a New Years fitness resolution should take note. New Years is typically the coldest and dreariest time of the year. Its really hard to shine positively when the sun isn't shining with you! But spring is arriving slowly but surely and now is the time to Get on a Trikke and Get Fit! Over the next weeks and months, Capital Trikke will be guiding you through ideas, workouts, and support to help you get in the best shape of your life! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and on our site at We'll be having our regular local and regional rides, but in addition we'll be using our training experience to assist you in creating a Trikke riding mentality designed to get you stronger, technically sharper, and of course-super toned and fit! If you have questions about your Trikke, contact us at or post them to Facebook . Don't have a Trikke? We are authorized Trikke sales. Go to our site and find the best one for you and place your secure order. Ready? Let's Go!

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