Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Trikke Riding Tips....and the Beach Boys?

What do the Beach Boys and Trikking have in common? Well if you've ever taken a lesson with one of the trainers at Capital Trikke, or seen us try to teach the riding motion of the Trikke, you know that we use the chorus of the song "Good Vibrations" to demonstrate the importance of rhythm in Trikke riding. Rhythm is king on a Trikke! Not all of us are musically inclined but we all listen to music and enjoy it. I learned how to ride listening to music so to this day my style is fluid and rhythmic. Rarely do I ride without music playing and I purposely set up playlists for my riding moods because what I hear has an effect on how I ride the Trikke.

We typically begin our Level 1 lessons with 3 rules of thumb:

1. Know your Terrain: Paying attention to the approaching incline or curve in the road is exciting once you have your asanas in your "tool kit." Asanas are Trikke techniques, which we teach during level 2 and 3 lessons. Once you get them down you'll then be able to choose which asana technique will be the best choice for what's coming up in your ride.

2. Rhythm is king. Keep it steady. Keep it consistent. Keep your form. A faster rhythm creates speed BUT this does not mean that you are breaking the smoothness and basic rhythm you have. Think of it this way, a beat is still a beat even if it slower or faster. What you want is to develop a riding rhythm that even if you speed it up, your form "stays" the same. You don't start jerking or breaking down your form--you just take your core form and speed that up as your physical conditioning and riding ability allows you to!

3. Protect your momentum- remember that at all times, the Trikke is moving forward. Your body must learn to develop a rhythm that captures the moment of attack when the Trikke gains the most forward momentum by your body movement. If your body moves forward when the Trikke is naturally on the forward arch you gain momentum and speed and the ride becomes so much easier! Don't break your momentum by moving backwards or shifting weight in the opposite direction. Get attuned to the motion and harness that forward momentum!

If you have questions about getting the most out of your Trikke technique, check out our site at Send us email questions, or come have a lesson with us. We'll help you get the most out your trikke to help you reach your fitness goals.

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