Friday, May 15, 2009

Come and Get Your "Ah Ha!"

People who teach, no matter what they teach, will always tell you about their love of the "ah ha!" moment. It's the moment when you are communicating with a student, and suddenly the torch is passed. They get what you're saying, and this knowledge is transformed into their own action. Ah Ha!

I have been fortunate to have had these moments in many venues: As a college instructor in the classroom trying to communicate sociological concepts. As an online college instructor, where it's a whole different ball game because what you write, not what you visually communicate, must facilitate the ah ha. As a certified Trikke Trainer, communicating with a new rider who may be unsure of their own body mechanics, or may misunderstand what these mechanics mean in getting the Trikke moving.

All of these venues have been very rewarding and they fulfill a core ideology for me. I believe that the spreading of knowledge is a gift. One to one or in a group --it is a gift. This past weekend Capital Trikke began our Capital Trikke Fitness Classes, in addition to our regular group and private lessons. In the fitness class we mixed lessons and workout, and I can tell you, there were many "ah ha" moments! Moments not just in technique but in.. "ah ha ..I didn't think I could do this much!" Then later a private lesson came, and the client was unsure of their own ability. Before the hour was up, they were thinking about their potential, and what goals for fitness they could achieve by the end of summer.

This is a wonderful experience! Come join us and see what we mean!

Join the MeetUp group for schedules and rsvp info on FREE classes and group rides

For specifics on lessons and classes click here

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