Friday, May 1, 2009

We want to bust your Trikke chops!

Those of you who were with Capital Trikke from its beginnings know that we were originally known as “Trikke Fitness.” This reflected our desire to focus on the Trikke as a fitness machine and our commitment to helping others reach their fitness goals through trikking. Riders have to become more fit, stronger AND technique aware, or the beauty of the Trikke as a fitness machine can be lost.

We look forward to continuing our absolutely cool Trikke road trips, and will continue to seek out and participate in great fun rides with our local and national Trikke family.

We return to our original focus…what we have been screaming about regularly--- Get on a TRIKKE and GET FIT! We want you to commit to coming to our weekly Capital Trikke fitness classes just like you might come to a spin class. We are offering 3 levels of classes designed for all levels of riders. We want you to work at your own pace but we want you to work HARD!

Level 1 Capital Trikke Fitness Class
For newer riders who will benefit from a combination of riding lessons and workouts. Primary goal is to ride the trikke for longer and longer stretches without touching the ground! Work at your own pace but work hard! We’ll have fun reaching this goal!

Level 2 Capital Trikke Fitness Class
For more developed riders who can maneuver the Trikke without difficulty through cones and around the random trainer! Riders should be able to ride for longer periods without interruption. In this level class we keep the riding constant with fewer breaks. You’ll be challenged by some obstacles and will combine strengthening exercises into your ride.

Level 3 Capital Trikke Fitness Class
For advanced riders who want to push their abilities to the limits! Sprints, repetitive inclines, and more advanced obstacle maneuvers on sidewalks are par for the course here! We’ll keep it moving so be ready to push!

Rental Trikkes are available!

Please check our website for info on classes designed to increased your riding ability, fitness (through Trikke cardio work and Trikke strength training), AND fun.

Remember that we remain authorized sales, service and training for Trikke. With each Trikke purchase from Capital Trikke, you will continue to receive unlimited level 1 Trikke lessons AND now in addition, you will receive 2 FREE Capital Trikke Fitness Classes to get you going strong!

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