Thursday, August 13, 2009

Lawrence Mayes- L'amazing!

(photo credit: Ryan Henricksen- The Virginia Pilot)

It was almost a year ago that I met Lawrence Mayes. Capital Trikke was having a group ride and he contacted us about driving down from Va to join us. At the time, that amazed me—that a rider would drive that far to ride with other trikkers. Since then, I've done it....seen it done....and it seems quite normal now!

Lawrence is a fantastic trikker. I have never seen anyone ride as fast as him, and yes at that ride we recorded the now infamous "Trikke Crash Road Rash" video that has nearly 8,000 Man. He had such speed! Even falling he had style and grace. Though I didn’t see the aftermath of the fall because he ran right into me, people who were there still talk about his “chest surfing” fall that protected his non helmet wearing head. Since then we’ve become friends and I’ve had the pleasure of riding with him several more times. He is still the fastest and unfortunately, he still doesn’t wear a helmet most of the time!

It’s great that Lawrence has started getting print recognition of his passion for trikking. Several weeks ago when Rock and Roll Fitness was spotlighted in the Washington Post, he was prominently mentioned (along with the video). Last week, Lawrence was spotlighted in his local newspaper. It is a great article with several cool pictures and yes, the online edition has the crash video posted! He’s much more than the Trikke Crash Test Model that I joked about during that video. He's a strong, talented, and skillful rider that is getting well deserved attention. Trikke on Lawrence!

1 comment:

trikkebratte said...

There's no one I've ever seen ride his machine like this machine! His rampant style is in direct contrast to his cool, mild mannered demeanor. Indeed a man amongst boys. And to think he's just getting started on his lofty goals (15 MPH average over 16-20 miles!) that he will no doubt achieve. Keep on inspiring us all, Lawrence!