Thursday, August 20, 2009

Trikke Riding Downhill "Crazy Train" Style

Well alrighty now! I promised Dave that I would post this incredible ride to the blog. Let me just say right off--I would never do this, got chills watching it, and consider him well...'trikkin crazy!

That said with all Trikke love, you gotta give it to him for sheer chutzpah. WOW! To make it all the way without "chickening" out is amazing. Especially at the speed he was going. 40 mph? My video would have had a big yell of "CUT" after that first curve where he almost eats the grass on the side of the road.

Big shout out to my beautiful home state of NC where this was filmed (Beech Mtn), and oh Dave--- how did you ever get that whole song posted to YouTube without getting it yanked? ;)

Find Dave on TrikkeTalk as....Dave

Cardio Care and Trikking

Although the TRIKKE is addictive fun, it is still a phenomenal fitness workout machine. Riding the trikke can work all your major muscle groups. As you develop as a rider and become more in tune with your body and the trikke ride, you can customize your workout focus. Some days you might want to work your legs more. Some days you might want to work your chest and arms for a great upper body work out. Some days you might want to put a little more “carve” intensity into your workout to accentuate your abdominals as with an oblique machine.

Make sure that you take care of the most important part of your body in your workout—your heart. Remember to warm up into your ride. Take at least 10 minutes and ideally 20 to ride slowly, giving your heart rate the chance to rise just as slowly. Never kick start with inclines and pushes without warming up first! Your heart will appreciate this warm up as will the rest of your body. Consider getting a heart rate monitor for your workouts. Using this and understanding your target heart rate will help you stay within the range you need to be, as well as giving you a tool to monitor your fitness progress.


Sunday, August 16, 2009

Trikke Parts and Accessories at Capital Trikke

Here at Capital Trikke, we often get calls for parts such as Trikke inner tubes or wheels. Occasionally people are looking to overhaul and update their older model trikkes with new handlebars and foot grips. With just a few inexpensive items, an older trikke can look like a new model and gain new life! In the past, our website has only offered a few items and that web location was a bit obscured as we typically took phone orders for these type items. Starting today, Capital Trikke has set up our trikke parts and accessories on one visible web page with easy online shopping cart order capability and speedy delivery. Check it out!

If you have the need to order major repair parts such as cambering arms or other replacement items, feel free to call us at 866-240-1179. We'll do our best to get you set and back on the trails in no time at all!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Lawrence Mayes- L'amazing!

(photo credit: Ryan Henricksen- The Virginia Pilot)

It was almost a year ago that I met Lawrence Mayes. Capital Trikke was having a group ride and he contacted us about driving down from Va to join us. At the time, that amazed me—that a rider would drive that far to ride with other trikkers. Since then, I've done it....seen it done....and it seems quite normal now!

Lawrence is a fantastic trikker. I have never seen anyone ride as fast as him, and yes at that ride we recorded the now infamous "Trikke Crash Road Rash" video that has nearly 8,000 Man. He had such speed! Even falling he had style and grace. Though I didn’t see the aftermath of the fall because he ran right into me, people who were there still talk about his “chest surfing” fall that protected his non helmet wearing head. Since then we’ve become friends and I’ve had the pleasure of riding with him several more times. He is still the fastest and unfortunately, he still doesn’t wear a helmet most of the time!

It’s great that Lawrence has started getting print recognition of his passion for trikking. Several weeks ago when Rock and Roll Fitness was spotlighted in the Washington Post, he was prominently mentioned (along with the video). Last week, Lawrence was spotlighted in his local newspaper. It is a great article with several cool pictures and yes, the online edition has the crash video posted! He’s much more than the Trikke Crash Test Model that I joked about during that video. He's a strong, talented, and skillful rider that is getting well deserved attention. Trikke on Lawrence!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The "Right" Trikker Personality

Mark Codispoti, a fellow trikke trainer and enthusiast brought the NC leg of his 50 State tour to Raleigh on August 8. We had never met Mark, but we were certainly amazed by the task that he was setting out to accomplish. He plans to ride a minimum Trikkathon of 26 miles in 50 states plus DC. By just spending moments with him at dinner the night before the ride, we discovered a gentle, life enthusiastic soul, with a pure love of trikking. What a wonderful guy Mark is! The day of the ride we were so impressed with his skill, his heart, and his drive, that afterwards it seemed sad to see him go. Enjoy the video of Mark's mad skills and if you live in one of the areas that his tour swings through, be sure and come out and ride with him!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Trikke Releases Great Pon-E Video!

Hot off the press! Trikke has released an awesome marketing video giving us all a great look at the fun and benefits of the new Pon-e. Check out the video and see the fantastic changes from the traditional tribreds:
* Disc breaks like the T12's for superior "stop-ability"
* Hot Swap batteries remove in a pinch.
* Lighter, more portable, and maneuverable.
* Ride up to 20 miles in "eco-joy" battery powered freedom.
* Lots of hot colors.

Read more about the Pon-e on this blog here.

Get yours now at Capital Trikke!